Validation of the first task of the AUVCover project, directed remotely, due to health reasons, by Dr. P.B. Sujit of the Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology.
The experiment was performed during the REPMUS19 exercise in Tróia. In this experiment, an AUV attempts to follow a series of generated paths while subjected to the river outflowing currents. The goal was to gather data for the development of a dynamic path following algorithm to counteract interruptions and misalignments while performing surveys using AUVs.

FEUP team deployed a Noptilus class AUV in the sea, during the second week, which was able to conclude all paths with only minor interruptions due to the presence of seaweed. Several current speed measurements were also taken during this time to aid in future tests.
This project was developed within the framework of the TNA calls launched by EUMarine Robots.
by Luís Venâncio